Creating and Integrating Widgets on Android’s Home Screen

Fırat Gürgür
5 min readJun 23, 2023


Widgets are an essential part of the Android user experience, allowing users to access key information or perform specific actions directly from their device’s home screen. In this article, we will explore the process of creating and integrating widgets in Android applications, providing users with a convenient way to interact with your app without launching it. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Widgets

Widgets are small, interactive components that can display information or perform actions on the home screen. They provide users with a glanceable view of app content or functionality, enhancing the overall user experience. Widgets can display text, images, buttons, or even interactive elements like scrollable lists or media players.

Creating a Widget

To create a widget, you need to extend the AppWidgetProvider class and override its methods. These methods include onUpdate(), which is called when the widget is created or updated, and onReceive(), which handles user interaction events. Within these methods, you can define the layout, configure click listeners, and update the widget's content.

Designing the Widget Layout

The visual representation of a widget is defined using a layout file. You can create a layout XML file to specify the views and their properties within the widget. Customize the appearance by adding TextViews, ImageViews, or any other UI elements based on your app’s requirements. Make sure to consider different screen sizes and orientations for optimal usability.

Configuring Widget Attributes

To define the widget’s behavior and properties, you need to create an XML file called the App Widget Provider XML. This file specifies the widget’s layout, initial properties, update frequency, and other attributes. It also defines the broadcast receiver that handles widget events.

Updating the Widget

Widgets can update their content periodically or in response to specific events. You can use the AppWidgetManager class to update the widget's layout and views programmatically. By calling updateAppWidget() with the widget's ID, you can modify the widget's appearance and data dynamically.

Handling Widget Events

Users can interact with widgets by tapping buttons, scrolling lists, or performing other actions. To handle these events, override the onReceive() method in your AppWidgetProvider implementation. Based on the received intent and action, you can update the widget's state, launch app activities, or perform any other desired functionality.

Testing and Deployment

Before deploying your widget, it’s crucial to thoroughly test its functionality and ensure a seamless user experience. Use Android’s emulator and real devices to simulate different scenarios and validate the widget’s behavior. Once you are confident in its performance, package the widget along with your app and publish it to the Google Play Store.

Widgets provide a convenient way for users to access important information or perform actions directly from their device’s home screen. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create and integrate widgets into your Android application, enhancing user engagement and providing a seamless experience. Start leveraging the power of widgets and make your app stand out!



In the WidgetLayoutProvider.kt file, we define a singleton object WidgetLayoutProvider that provides the layout for our widget. The getWidgetLayout() function takes a Context parameter and returns a RemoteViews object.

Inside the getWidgetLayout() function, we create a RemoteViews instance by passing the package name and the layout resource ID (R.layout.widget_layout). This layout will serve as the UI for our widget.

You can customize the getWidgetLayout() function to set the desired content and update the views according to your widget's requirements.


In the MyWidget.kt file, we define a class MyWidget that extends the AppWidgetProvider class. This class handles the functionality and events of our widget.

The onUpdate() method is called when the widget is created or updated. It takes the Context, AppWidgetManager, and an array of widget IDs as parameters.

Inside the onUpdate() method, we loop through each widget ID in the array. We retrieve the widget's layout using the WidgetLayoutProvider.getWidgetLayout() function, passing the context as a parameter.

We then set a click listener for the widget by creating an Intent object. We specify the action as "com.example.widget.BUTTON_CLICKED", which will be used to identify the button click event. We also include additional data in the intent using putExtra(), in this case, the string "Hello from widget!".

Next, we create a PendingIntent using PendingIntent.getBroadcast() with the widget's context, a request code (0 in this example), and the intent. This pending intent represents the action to be performed when the widget is clicked.

Finally, we set the click listener for the widget’s button using setOnClickPendingIntent(), passing the button's ID and the pending intent.

The onReceive() method is overridden to handle the widget's events. In this example, we check if the received intent's action matches "com.example.widget.BUTTON_CLICKED". If it does, we retrieve the additional data from the intent using getStringExtra() and display it in a Toast message.


The widget_layout.xml file defines the layout for our widget. It contains a LinearLayout as the root view with vertical orientation.

Inside the LinearLayout, we have a Button with an ID of widget_button. This button represents the interaction element in our widget.

You can customize the widget_layout.xml file to design the UI layout for your widget according to your specific requirements.


Declare the MyWidget class as a receiver in the manifest file


Create a new XML file named widget_provider.xml inside the res/xml/ directory (if it doesn't already exist).

This code defines the properties of the widget provider. Here’s a breakdown of each attribute:

  • android:minWidth and android:minHeight: These attributes specify the minimum dimensions for the widget.
  • android:updatePeriodMillis: This attribute sets the update period for the widget in milliseconds. In this example, it is set to 24 hours (86400000 milliseconds).
  • android:initialLayout: This attribute points to the layout resource file (widget_layout.xml) that defines the initial layout of the widget.
  • android:resizeMode: This attribute specifies the resizing options for the widget. In this case, it allows horizontal and vertical resizing.
  • android:widgetCategory: This attribute indicates the category of the widget. In this example, it is set to "home_screen" to indicate that the widget can be placed on the home screen.

Make sure to replace "com.example.widget" with your own package name in the manifest and widget provider declarations.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Medium article. I hope you found it informative. Feel free to explore more of my content, and remember to keep learning and sharing your own knowledge with others. Happy reading! 🙏📖✨



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